Asset Managers

Optimize your operating model and your investment process.
Asset managers of every size face a rising storm of cost pressure, product complexity, and the demand for integrated operations. We partner with you to face these challenges head on with the right tools, data strategies, and resource mix to support your unique investment strategy.
With continued fee pressure, the proliferation of investment products, and an increasingly complex technology solutions market, you need an integrated and scalable infrastructure to achieve your investment goals. We will work with you to create a comprehensive assessment of your current state environment then craft a future state design, roadmap, and transition plan to deliver investment capabilities built with future growth in mind.
Your clients need timely data files, fit-for-purpose reporting, and precise end-client communications. Many asset managers lack the data architecture and technology to support the client service they want to deliver. Whether your challenges are due to lack of data integration or legacy technology, we understand how to modernize your operating model, what technologies are the right fit for you, and what approach will work best to navigate your roadmap. Set your client service apart in a crowded market with the right operational foundation.
Your investment team knows how to generate returns in even the most challenging market conditions, but it takes a team to bring their investment strategies to life. Whether you are transforming internal capabilities, outsourcing existing or new functions, or changing providers, you need a trusted partner to guide you through the process. We have helped dozens of asset managers through internal transformations and outsourcing programs of all scopes and sizes. By leveraging our experience, you'll mitigate risk, explore all available options, and ultimately generate more value for your clients by maximizing transition efficiency and effectiveness.
As asset management becomes more competitive, you may be considering where synergies can be found with new partners and business lines. Integration success hinges on robust due diligence, an understanding of myriad vendor and services solutions, and the ability to deliver results quickly. Our team offers strategic and tactical services to take you from due diligence through platform transition.
Practice Areas
Leverage unmatched expertise across the investment continuum.
Our consultants are industry leaders with the vision to understand where the industry is headed and the hands-on experience to help you realize your goals.

Find out how trends in data, technology, outsourcing, and more are re-shaping operating models and setting the stage for transformation.
Client stories

We have the expertise and track record to design and deliver projects of any scope.
Discuss your needs with an expert and discover how we can help.