Investments Practice
Deliver sophisticated tools and insights to your investment team and drive improved performance across strategies.

Power your investments with the tools to support any portfolio strategy or asset class.
Generating alpha is more challenging than ever, and your team can’t afford to let operational inefficiency derail your investment strategy. Whether you’re expanding to complex multi-asset class investments or leveraging products in new geographies, we’ll help ensure you’re equipped to stay ahead of the market.

Total Portfolio View
Achieve investment management nirvana: a holistic view of your positions, exposure, and performance across asset classes and markets. We’ll help you design the data and technology environment required to support a total portfolio view that improves investment decision-making and supports operational efficiency.

Investment Research
Maximize the power of your research and investment expertise with enhanced transparency and seamless access to internal and partner research data and analyst notes. We’ll help find and implement a solution to aggregate your research and manage your research pipeline efficiently.

Portfolio Risk and Analytics
Whether you are looking to isolate specific factor exposures driving your performance, stress test scenarios, or back test a new investment model, we’ll partner with you and provide an unbiased review of solutions designed to fit your current and future needs.

Portfolio Management
Portfolio management requires solutions that consume proprietary and external data to produce actionable insights. We’ll partner with you to design and solution a focused, integrated front office environment that leverages quality data for portfolio construction, order optimization, and attribution.

Trading and Execution
You need a solution that can do more than handle your trades—you need an integrated environment that feeds accurate data to your downstream systems. Whether you are implementing, actively rationalizing, or re-imagining all aspects of your front office, we’ll help design an operational strategy that can keep pace with your evolving investment demands.

Stay ahead of regulatory and client-driven change by leveraging compliance technology to create transparency and control through every point of the order lifecycle. We’ll help you select and implement a compliance platform that can holistically monitor and report on your investment book.

Performance Measurement and Attribution
We’ll provide the industry expertise to help your team accurately calculate your returns, attribution, composites, and risk. We work with clients to identify and evaluate the performance measurement solutions best suited to your unique investment strategy and enterprise systems and data architecture.
Discover why experience matters in driving successful transformations across investments, operations, distribution, and data.
Client stories

We have the expertise and track record to design and deliver projects of any scope.
Discuss your needs with an expert and discover how we can help.