Citisoft's Tom Secaur was recently quoted in SimCorp's Journal of Applied IT in Investment Management. In the article, "Does the M&A trend among technology vendors present a real value proposition for the buy side?", SimCorp's Klaus Holse discusses the impact of the acquisition trend on today's financial software market.
Tom comments, "The glut of acquisitions has resulted in fewer viable solutions in the marketplace and you should ask yourself: Why was the deal really done?
- What are the vendor's plans with the new team and its talent, and for investing back into the product - do they have a history of acquiring competitors and sunsetting their technology?
- Have they proven that they are capable of integration across the various investment system components housed under their roof? Dig deep here - this type of integration is easier said than done.
Once you perform due diligence, you can make more concrete plans as to your future (or non-future) with a particular system application or service."
Read the full article.