Industry News

Eagle Investment Systems Discusses Vendor M&A, Technology Risk, and Legacy Systems


In their recent blog post, Legacy Systems: Vendor Consolidation a Catalyst to Obsolescence, Eagle Investment Systems cites Hampleton Partners tally of 596 acquisitions in the financial technology sector, with 75% of the activity involving either enterprise software or enterprise services companies. In many cases, a merger or acquisition is a bellwether for the pending retirement of a platform or technology. Citisoft's Tom Secaur weighs in: "one of the biggest mistakes we'll see is when companies fail to look hard enough at the viability and strength of the vendor. A byproduct of a vendor being sold is that clients may be forced to shop for a new platform because they have no other choice...For those on the client side, you might undertake these kinds of projects every fifteen years—or once, maybe, twice, in a career—so it's paramount that you're thorough in your due diligence."

For more on vendor consolidation and managing technology risk, read Eagle's blog.

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