Over the past decade, my professional roles have all consisted of some form of "recruiting." Recruiting, at its core, is finding someone to fill a void. I am not suggesting this is an easy feat, it isn't. But, often times, it is a numbers' game. If I'm seeking an individual for a role and I interview enough people, I'll probably find someone who fits the bill. One way to look at it is quantity vs. quality. One of my very first bosses said, "If you throw enough against the wall…" I think you know how that one ends.
When I joined Citisoft over four years ago, I didn't realize at the time that I was making a transition from "recruiting" to "talent acquisition." What's the difference? Well, it's not just a fancy name for recruiting. What sets talent acquisition apart from recruiting begins with the approach. Instead of waiting for a need to arise that requires you find a body, you identify what types of backgrounds, skillsets, and people will round out your firm and come up with a plan to identify, attract, and retain them. Our goal at Citisoft is fairly simple: to build a world class firm. We aren't looking for a warm body to fill a void. Quite the opposite, we are making strategic plans, decisions, and hires who will help us to build the Citisoft brand that will bring unparalleled service to clients.
One question I ask myself during each phase of the interview process is, can I see this person as part of the Citisoft tapestry now, but more importantly, down the road? If I can, we know we're onto something. At a minimum, senior leaderships meets weekly to discuss our strategies for acquiring and retaining talent. Often times, I'm huddled with our COO and CEO to ensure we have our sights set in the right direction, regardless of the current pipeline. Likewise, if we do happen to have an urgent need, it's just as important that we don't rush to a decision just to secure a project. This is a risky and potentially costly mistake. We choose instead to identify gaps, brainstorm targets, and formulate plans for engagement. Regardless of our pipeline, regardless of our bench, we are moving ahead full throttle to build a world class team.
We're aware that many of our blog's readers are other consultants or experts who are looking to break into the field. If you're considering a career change, you can learn more about Citisoft with a glimpse of our culture in the video below or on our Careers Page and I welcome you to reach out to me directly via email.