Citisoft Blog

Countdown: Citisoft's Top Blogs of 2019

Written by Alissa Doherty | Dec 31, 2019


This year, the vendor landscape moved at warp speed while the rest of us watched in excitement. Though these industry changes have captivated us, we’ve marched on in the long-running fight against legacy technologies, manual processes, and data integration challenges. So it comes as no surprise when we look at our top blogs of the year, that the most popular publications were largely focused on the nitty-gritty of managing large programs and implementing new technologies effectively. No flashy robots or blockchain here. That said, the blog that takes our top spot portends some massive changes coming to our industry (which you can read about more in Outlook 2020).

Without further ado, here are our top blogs of 2019:

5. Lessons from a Millennial on Staying Sane During Tech and Ops Programs

In the midst of a massive technology or operations program? Chances are you’re sleeping less, working more, and feeling the crunch of tight timelines and budgets. Shaun Rull makes his Citisoft blog debut to share some insights from the millennial camp on how to manage these stresses. Read on for Shaun’s three strategies for maintaining work-life balance on large scale technology and operations programs.

4. How to Get the Most Out of Your Proof of Concept

In our industry, buyer’s remorse is not uncommon but new technology typically leaves “sticky” applications within the asset management organization. Facing a pull-out after investing significant resources in implementation and training is often out of the question. Mike Walker discusses how a well-structured POC can circumvent these problems.

3. Five Elements of a Successful Project Kickoff

Citisoft’s David Quirk has kicked off more than his fair share of initiatives in the asset management industry. In this blog, he underscores the importance of a great kickoff and offers tips for getting there. Read on for David’s take on how most successful kickoffs are simple, direct and hit on five key points: vision, scope, team, roadmap, communication plan.

2. Five Considerations for Evaluating RegTech Solutions

With increased pressure and tighter timelines, firms have been forced to either ramp up resources devoted to regulatory reporting or find software or service-based solutions to solve for this growing demand. If your firm has decided it’s time to implement a RegTech solution, keep this short list of questions and considerations on hand when evaluating the best system or service for your regulatory reporting needs.

1. It’s on Like Donkey Kong: The Battle for the Comprehensive Service Provider Solution Heats Up

In this blockbuster blog, Jenny Mynahan breaks down some big changes in the asset management vendor landscape. Read on for her take on BlackRock Solutions’ Aladdin, CRD’s CRIMS, Axioma, eFront, and the service providers making plays to partner with, acquire, or competitively leverage these stalwart solutions.

Thanks to everyone who continues to stay tuned. We're looking forward to providing more great content in 2020—drop us a note in the comments if there are any topic you’d like to see us tackle in the year ahead!